UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Booklet - Navy V12 First Semester Courses (1945) [PAGE 8]

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B. B 5bN.

of First Semester


tration in E.E. *N.


I his

Electron Tubes and Circuits.—Pren uirse may be used .is th- [uivalent of E.l

Credit 3 hours


rite: E.E. IN; rei

Section Hours Days Room Instructor Quiz A It TT 302 E.E.I . (Juiz U 1 TT 302 E.E.L. Lab, A 9-12 M 302 E.E.L, 302 E.E.I Lab, B 2-5 M 6bN. Electron T u b e s and Circuits.- -Prerequisite: E.E. 5bN. >uiz A 3 hours 9 TT 302 E.E.L. fuiz B l MW 302 E.E.L. Lab. A 2-5 K 302 E.E.L. Lab. B 8-11 S 302 E.E.L. E.E 7 N . High Frequency Circuits. Prerequisite: replac in part, E.E. 1X and 6 b N . This coin E . E . 48 and 5 1 . 5 hours Qui/. A 8 M T W T F 305 E.H. 5 Lab. A M 511 E.E.L. 2-5 Lab. B W 311 E.E.L. E.E 8N. High Frequency Circuits, Prerequisite: E . E . 7N. This course replaces, in part. E.E. 5 and 53. 5 hours Quiz A 11 M T W T F 305 E . H . Lab. A 2 5 Tu 311 E.E.L. 2-5 Lab. B 311 E . E . L . Th 9aN. Electrical M e a s u r e m e n t s . — Prerequisite: E . E . I N ; registration in E . E . 3 \ " . 3 hours Quiz A 11 MWF 205 E . H . Lab. A 2-5 Tu 110 E . E . L . E.E ION. Direct Current Apparatus and Circuits.—Prerequisite: Physics P H 2 ; M a t h . M6 or equivalent. This course may be used - the equivalent of E . E . 11 and 61 if followed by E.E. 1 I N . 4 hours Quiz A 11 MWF 312 E . H . Lab. A 9-12 T u 214 E . E . L . cs P H 2 ; M a t h . M6 or equivaE.E lOaN. Direct Current Apparatus and Circuits.—Prerequisite: Ph lent. This course may be used as the equivalent of E . E . -1 and 6 1. 3 hours Quiz A 10 TT 312 E . H . Lab. A 2-5 Th 214 E . E . L . E.E. 11. (See E.E. ION). E.E. U N . Alternating Current Apparatus and Circuits.—Prerequisite: E . E . ION. This course may be used as the equivalent of E . E . 12 and 62 if preceded by E . E . ION. 4 hours Quiz A 1 MWF 305 E . H . Lab. A 2-5 Th 200 E.E.L. E.E. l l a N . Alternating Current Apparatus and Circuits.—Prerequisite: E . E . lOaX. This cours m a y be used as the equivalent of E.E. 5 and 65. 3 hours Quiz A 11 TT 105 E . H . Lab. A 1-4 F 214E.E.L. E.E. 12. (See E . E . U N ) . E.E. 12aN. Direct Current Machinery.—Prerequisite: F . E . 3 N ; registration in E.E. IN. 8 215 1 Tli hou: Lect. A 505 E.H. uiz A MWF 8-11 S Lab. A 200 E.E.L. E.E. 13aN. Alternating Current Machinery (la). Prerequisite: E.E. IN and 12aN, This se >laces. in part. E.E. 35 and 85. 9 215 E.E.I I. .A Th 4 hours l()5 E.H. 11 MWF Quiz A M 2 oo E.E.L. Lab. A 2-5 Lab. B W oo E.E.I [Uivalent. E.E. 14. Wiring and Illumination. Prerequisite: Sophomore standin 3 hours A 10 MWF 102 F . l l . E.E. 14aN. Electrical D c s i g n . - Prereqv v..v.. \ x and 12uN. 1 3 MW Ml E.H. 2 hours Lab. A jo 12 T u 511 I ' l l . Lab. 1', i < !• 31 I E.H. Phi * E.E. 15N. Electrical Engin^-img Laboratory.—Prerequisite !•" 1 1 v i \ pari E. 56 and fi 11. 4 houri ' [uiz \ 8 MWF I \ 9 M 215 K.K.I !()() 1 K.l Lab \ Iu MM) 1 Ih Lab. B 2



E.J IS. 9 4 E.l 16, E.l .

Introduction to Circuit Annlyiij.- /'/ quisite: Ph; lb, lb; Ninth * 16; r < ration in V l M i \ \ i !• IOS !• u . houri ' ''ii/. \ 9 '9««B.B. 4N). ^ i E.E. i liN).
