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6 University of Illinois CERAMIC ENGINEERING Courses for Undergraduates Cer 10. Cements. /' • •lit Section 2 1 U l m 10; n Hours h i 11 M »n in Cei E 18. Room 214 < or. Insti Cer.E. 14. r,lasses ami (dazes.-—/>, rwi Cer.E. 5; registi In ( lera 10 3 hou R i l l 218 ' 1 ,ab. 2-5 II 113 l Cer. Pyrochemical Problems. Pr quisite: < 14; Chem. i* R, ! 1 18 < er. Cer.E. 31. Introdui »n to Ceramic Engineering. Prerequisite: >m ) Cer.K. 33. ling in Cer.E. 35. Cer.E. 38. Cer.E. 90. l Cer.I- >8. l Ri 11 TT 218 ( er. Lab. 2 5 W 113 ( er. Ceramic Technology. Fret luisiie: Junior riding in < imic engii Re 8 MWF 218 < . Lab. 2 5 MF 113 i . Principles of Drying. / i te: Credit <»r rei In i r.E. J3. . R( il MWF 218 < er. Dryer and Furnace Design. Prerequisite: T.A.M. 3; < :r.E. \S and Lab. . M\V 212 ( er. Research Methods. }'r, enior ling in imic engii rin ' To be airanged T h e s i s . - Prereq te: < nt of Head of Department of ( imic Engim To l" mged Courses for Graduates 101a. Chemistry of the Compounds of Sili« l. Prerequ te: :i or mistry. (1 un . Arran Professor ANDREW Cer.I . 1' Ceneral 1 hnology of tin ate Industries. / I urea, minar, 1 . I t unit .' An i Ceramic Mat ri i and Proce (b) Drying and Firing Processes. Pi Hi RSH. :an s and Equilibrium Studies. P < r \M I Refract' ANDREW I HI Cer. 103. Chemistry of ate tpplement I 101 m P accompany it. (1 to 2 units).* Arrange. Professors ANDREWS and Hi RSH. Assoc fe C 1 0 4 . I hn it Q iSS.—I n>\ lab tl unitA \ i Cer.E. l< Methods of Ceramic Kesearch. tun I Vrran irti Cer.I 106. search. 1 to 4 u Pi I Hi i. A P ' • * Cer.I • CHEMISTRY Courses for UndeMjraduatoi [nor gan •ion I I II rs M I WV Room 1 1 • t ... in 8 ( i \ M < in V Ifttl I I, i rganl< < h« i I I H .'SI M I I iml I n n n 0 ! mf M M. I I ill. I II « Wl« i I I I i h •' w i t h ' hM M