Caption: Booklets - Facts for Freshmen (1914) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

20 i STIVERS] I \ OF III INOIS have a sloveny appearance. / / any man ne is to l urn maU ntss of appearance, and ca in dress, it is the student who )fks for his living. l i e must be resourceful and adaptable, able to (it in anywhere, and able also tO use his brain in his work. It is the Student who first meets an Unsolv I eonWaiting Tabic dition, or satisfies ail unsatisfied want, who E a s i e s t for makes good at earning a living. T h e numNew Man her ami variety of the places where a student may get work at the University is almost infinite, though of course the new student, as I have said, is most likely to find occupation in waiting table at the innumerable fraternities, clubs, and boarding houses about the campUS. For this service he usually receives his board. Every one should depend on himself for a job. Very few people will hire a man solely on someone else's recommendat i o n ; they want to see him and si o him Up themselves. A week before college Opens is a good time to arrive in Urbana, the Young Men's Christian Association employment bureau will help, and the Dean of Men is a good man to see for initial directions; then strike out for yourself, and if within tWO days you do not have a job it IS your -Own fault In getting a job at college it is the early bird that Catch the iterpillar. T h e student who is earning his living is doing a double busim s, neither part of whieh he can afford to n jleCt ]f the food SUppty runs out, he is put out Must Do of business, and if he fails at his studies, a Double he is put out of college, SO there you are. Business l i e mal s good in both lines only by conserving his energies, developing concentration of mind, and Cultivating system in the use of his tiuu lie can not afford to waste a moment Me will often have to rifice much, to keep out of many things that b would like to |»< .1 pari of—athletics, i.d pleasmes, college activi tics M rally,—and he will not always be able to do his ( \ leg- u 'I. as well as he WOUld like. < olleg< life is for him ;