Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
/ mirements foi {amission I nivei sit> have < il>' 'I in i niii tnenta !«>i admission to the vaii< uncli ntial preparation foi ul L|ci Ii »iu hai i "ii | I i i lh< i lv | 1 i h| picM ribed foi admi EXEMPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS that Thirty Set // . \ . - IJ in i oi substitute -i pi foi the Ii h 'I sul | hirh ulti v| l>\ the 1 niversih oi foi the requirement U ation, except as provided foi undei S| Vdui d ril and as j I through rntran camii »ns, il Educat I I development I csts, and AHUM U an I >1 1< I ts. v / f/i Th »r M rH N > hi^Ii t raduation and M< lie high hool cntrai > , sul pi when n II\ .is prerequisites i<>i i |uii > m 1 m.t\ he \vai> ! foi th< students list( d be low who t tin I sity with thirrj or mon scmcstci hours ol credit irncd with at 1 1.1 in all woik attempted Pransfcrs to the l nivcrsit) from full) i ! jun ami nioi t oll< b I ransfcrs from ON >1 1< to anothci on the san I niv Illinois « mpu I ransfcrs from om i ampus t the I tm sit> I tlicr, n as a tra m< S i Ml other i [uirements establislicd foi adm II i iilum ol tin indent's ( hoi must I to a\ iblisli I minimum avera requircn nta h han ! rtain i urrit ula. & i JJ .d %u|m ns \o\ 1 I' "'' > entrance requirements are not waivt II l transft i to ( l >mmen. and Busim - Vdministrati i, to tl I 1 • ' to the I -ll« ol I in< and Vppl d Vrl unit s tl siuc havt demonstral l profit j m tlu an i in which t! v at icienl SPfClAL ADMISSIONS x f,i ' tht itudcnt not otherv hlc foi admission ma) I admitted, * \\ ttp| •' 'i"' I >ii i ol \dm om and R and tlu I nter, providin \\t lubmiti . ; , \ iK\ lisnlifi itioni to do it ork in tlu i ui ilum n whit III wi . I.. .1, |||, 47