Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
c h Minimum fr cjrufor Average Spe I Requ.rement* Subj t-r * Pattern •\hmcn only) COLLEGE OF * I- Aeronautical ( 1 A i t Engineering Agricultural Engine* Ceramic Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering M hanics G e n e r a l Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering M e t a l l u r g i c a l Engineering Engineering Physics Nc -sident U p p e r VA 3.25 Par nV See f o o t n o t e 2 below 3.5 (3.3 to 3.5 m a y petition) Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution Two y e a r s o f p e r t i n e n t industrial experience Two y e a r s of experience teaching technical courses in the respective subject matter special field Pattern II Teaching of Engineering Technology Electrical Technology Mechanical Technology Post-Baccalaureate Certificate P r o g r a m in the Teaching of Engineering Technology Electrical Technology-Electronics Mechanical Technology (See U n d e r g r a d u a t e Study c a t a l o g ) O n e y e a r of college physics C o m p l e t i o n of i n t e g r a l calculus C o m b i n e d Engineering-Liberal Arts a n d Sciences ( f i v e - y e a r p r o g r a m ) Specify curriculum) Nonresidents U p p e r VA 3.5 See f o o t n o t e 4 below (Must satisfy both Engl" nefrinq and L i b e r a l Arts a n d Science* requirement Pattern V C o m b i n e d A g r i c u l t u r a l Science-Agricultural Engineering ( f i v e - y e a r p r o g r a m ) wlih forci See A g r i c u l t u r e « n h"W' deficiency undei Special Vdmisstont" provision must remove th. ••'» years without rrcdil toward colli nduation, 1,1 ••" lubjecu, exclusive ol bash military and P h al education and i comb 1 mathcmatici and phynci arc required foi .. [ration in id va need utuli ' < curriculum l ond the lophomore %.-.„ rcquin < idnnvxion to tto\rt„ j v,,„ ,,, ! ,,f,,, I Nl , •' '•' ; » I pi OKI .mi ' "'• token in the ( oil. i ol I ngi nee ring; tl nd and third rati "«' Sctrncr In -•.„•,..!. tramfn itudenu with mora than i*\i > m r wmestei in ^ «' 3o