Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Admissions Chart REQUIREMENTS FOR A D M I S S I O N TO THE V A R I O U S UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULA Please consult the Undergraduate Study catalog for definitions a n d e x p l a n a t i o n s of subject requirements for admission. (Admission quotas have been established for all curricula.) Colleqes and Curricula at Urbana-Champaign Minimum High School Rank (Freshmen only) Transfer Average Special Requirements Subject Pa rn Required (See pagr. ) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 1 Agricultural Science Preveterinary Medicine Residents: U p p e r Vi Nonresidents: U p p e r VA Nonresidents: U p p e r VA 3.5 Pattern 1 Agricultural Communications Agricultural Industries Core Curriculum- with majors in: Agricultural Economics (specify option) Agricultural Mechanization Agronomy Animal Science Dairy Science General Agriculture Horticulture Dairy Technology Food Science Forest Science Home Economics O r n a m e n t a l Horticulture Restaurant M a n a g e m e n t Wood nee 5 Education 3 gricultural Occupations evel) 3 gricultural Science-Agricultural 1 g (five-year program) 3.25 3.5 a f t e r 6 0 semester hours 5€ Residents: U p p e r Vi Nonresidents: U p p e r VA 3.5 Pattern V 6 le unit of chemistry, or two and one-half units of mathematics are required for admission to the tnistry course required in all curricula in Agriculture, applican with forty-five or more semester hours also .should indicate their desired major. n in tins pro in beyond the sophomore year requires admission to advanced standing in teacher education, th are taken in the College of Agriculture, the fourth year in either the College ol Agriculture oi the ngineerin and the fifth year in the College of Engineering. dmitted with foreign language deficiency under "Special Admissions" provision must remove the deficiency ithin tin- first two years without credit toward college graduation. INSTITUTE OF A V I A T I O N (Two-year terminal curricula) Aircraft Maintenance Aviation Electronics Professional Pilot 1 pfy Nonresidents: U p p e r VA 3.25 Personal interview Spocial aptitude test Pattern I 34