Caption: Booklet - Admissions Requirements (1969) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Major Regulations Applying to New Studen PHYSICAL EDUCATION \H students ex< epf the physi< all) handi< apped cnt< rin^ tl versit\ as freshmen or sophomores musi taki enough ph] I t0 e a r r l four semesters of credit. This means you will probably physi il edu< ation during each of youi first four semesti > in the ' sity; transfer students ma) apply credit n eived foi ph) I edu< courses taken at their previous colli toward the requirement. I fei students entering with sixt) or mor< &m tei houi an i e< ipt 1 m the physical education requirement. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, AND BICYCLES The I niv sity restricts the use of motoi vehicles by all und< tduati I rbai -Champaign. Students, n ardle of their age, who ai ! • air . must register them with tin- University and p; a hi-- f of $5.00 annually. I Unmarried freshmen under twenty< not allowed to re ister to drive an automobile whil< > of the I University of Illinois, except in « ases of demon n more information, write the University Motor Vehicl ! North M; ws Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61 II. I University students who use bicycles in the campus immunity i ed to ister their bicycles with the Motor Vehicle Divis an unt the permit they receive on their bicycle. Re-r< istration is i [UJ i ach year. There is no registration fee. Motor bikes ooters, and cycles owned b) students and staff must b registered. The registration fee is $3.00 per year. Additional informal a; be obtained from the Motor Vehicle I >i\ ision. To the Future Student When you have finished reading this booklet, you ma) have questions about various aspects of student life and learning at the 1 niversity of Illinois al ( rhana-( lhampaign. If you (U^: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO WRITE [f you have special problems or unanswered questions, write to the Director of Admissions and Records, Dean of Students, dean of the college of you, choice, or to the other appropriate person among the I nivei sity offi( es listed inside the hack cover of this booklet 32