Caption: Book - Century of Physics (1973) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Listed below by mental reeea h oar oi appointment have coi o I nuclear and p a r t i c l e physics at. I l l i n o i s , p Years at Illinois Location on L /Ing Illinois c Retired (1970) Retired (1970) Bennington College Los Alamos Scientific Lab Westinghousc Electric Corp Brookhaven National Lab Brookhaven National Lab General Atomic, California 1930-1970 1931-1970 E. B j. y. Ian 1937-1943 1937-1945 1937-1938 1938-1950 1938-1947 1938-1956 19381938-1945 1943-1951 1943-1945 1943-1944 1944-1949 19491946-1961 1946-1956 194619461946-1960 1946-1949 1947-1965 R. D. H i l l J . S. A l l e n A. Longacre R. L. H u l s i z e r W. • Jentschke G. A s c o l i Lavatel L G, B e r n a r d l n i - r Idwasser j. Koester, J' 19481948-1957 1949-1965 1950-1956 195019501951-1959 1951-1967 1 .1' H. Manlev Shoupp I. Goldhaber L. J . Haworth D. W . Kerst E. H. I nan J. R. R i c h a r d s o n G. D. Adams U. C. L. A. niv. of Cal. Med. Center Ohio State University University of Buffalo National Bureau of Standards G. r . Groetzinger L. W, P h i l l i p s H. W. Koch P. Axel R. A. Becker : . B. Duffield Aerospace Corporation,Cal General Atomic. Calif. A. 0. Hanson C. S. Robinson C. W. S h e r v i n G. F. Tape Aerospace Corporation,Cal Brookhaven National Lab General Research Corp. Syracuse University M.I.T. DESY, Hamburg, Genoa CERN, Geneva, Switsei i Ni . .t i l. Lab. Bat La Ml (on leave 11ow I I 5! M-—