Caption: Board of Trustees - Bylaws 1951 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
9 and carry out the orders of the Board in so far as they are empowered by the Hoard specifically to do so, and shall report their recommendations or action in writing as soon thereafter as may be. SEC. 8. The first named member of each committee shall act as chairman, call me tings thereof and direct its proceedings, but shall not otherwise have greater power or authority than any other member. The chairman shall submit all reports of his committee in writing, signed by all members agreeing thereto. A minority may submit their dissenting report in like manner. SEC. 9. Special committees may be created to take charge of subjects specifically referred to them. Such committee ; shall be appointed in the manner, and sh. 1 con1 sist of members, as may be ordered by tin Board at the time of their appointment, and shall cease to 1 xist when dischartr< 1 bv tin Board from the consideration thereo Their condui t of business hall be in accordance with the provisi< us of eetion 8 of this Artie!.