Caption: Booklet - Student Living Costs Study (1927) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
four other or mized houses, show 1 thai £15.08 v, j the average room rem per month ) id by v imei living in 01 anized houses. The averaj room rent I r month for men and women students living in organized houses was 5815.56, as found from reports f > 114 groups representing 3778 students. m The average room rent per month for the various classes of fraternal organizations and organized houses was: \'.ni< 1 S ial FVaternitica 1 il Social Fraternil I >sional Social Fraternities 0 : nized Houses ( Y . W. C. Hou . etc.) erage Men $ 16.07 15.04 14.52 A.. Church 14-9^ $15.81 $ 1 5 .08 $15.56 Women $15.16 15.00 .1 • . \e $15.81 1 - . 03 The average room rent per month paid by men students living in unorganized houses, as reported by 1,764. students, was $13.40 and for women students living in unorganized houses, as found from the replies of 422 students, $14.78. The average room rent per month for men and women students living in unorganized houses, representing 2,186 students, was found to be $13.67. The average room rent per month paid by students living in unorganized houses, according to the number of students in a room, was: A'umber n Room 1 2 3 4 5* Average Men $1458 I3-U 13 • i~ 13-20 12.50 $15.40 Women $16.27 14-33 14-43 15.00 I7-5Q $14.78 Average $14.96 1335 I3-48 13.29 1416 $13.67 *Thcre were only six students, or three-tenths of one per cent, who reported they shared a room with four other students. In addition to the room rent per month the questionnaire filled out by unorganized students supplied information concerning the number of students in a room. The per cent of unorganized students living in single rooms, double rooms or three or more stulei s in a room is shown below: / imbef in Room Men Pit cent Women Pit cent ./.. Ptt ! 2 3 5 |8.I 69 \ 11 II -MS <•-' « 15.4 IS ( ' S o 1:. o .0 ,% Total, 100.o 100.0 100.o Amount Spent for Hoard The average amount paid for board yc\ week is found from an analj is of 5,944 replies to the ques1 in ire, v •/,y. 11 ) 1 men students ( foi u< -ui'ii students 7 lut .ill i.iihleiiis 1 >rtin