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t EXTRA V Sitoiosl DUPfALO EXPRESS IMPORT? Illinois Yule Syracuse Title Relay Winners WEST SI NT THE STARS BIG ATHLETIC MEET Illinois' Race Strong Effort of Great Philadelphia, April ^o. Remarkable athletic performances by Western athletes were the outstanding feature of the final day of the 27th annual relay carnival of the University of Pennsylvania staged on Franklin Field here this afternoon* Of the more important college championship races iilinoi csptured the four-mile event, after a steady pace whit h caused both Cornell and Princeton r u n n e r s to faltei u n d e r t h e s t r a i n . The University of Illinois mllers were alwaj the leaders in the four-mile college championship race. Before the fiist mile had been finished, Illinois, Cornell univei ind Princeton Were d i s t a n c i n g the field, Consisting Of Pennsylvania Stat< Syracuse ind Lafayette, At the second mile post Illinois led Princeton by fifteen yards, with Cornell twenty yard* I of the Tlgor runner, In the third mile Cornell tool ond pi e from Princeton and in the final two la] of the race made a game attempt to overhaul Wharton, who w mchoi man fo the Westerners. T h e latter h:id plenty of reserve, however, and won by fifteen yard with Princeton third, 100 yards back of the Ithacans ind Pennsylvania state well distanced. Syracuse and 1 ettedid not finish. • *-