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Caption: Dedication - Altgeld Murals Guide (1899) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
JT5JT—•» J " VI" NP' * 1 • -in ORY OF riirtERVA blishing and mail Ining, In ion wiili the colleges foui <l u n the Congre lonal act of 1862, agricultural experin it ations, " t o aid in acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful and pr; ical information on Subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experim e n t respecting the principles and applications of agricultural science." Under this provision t h e agricultural station for Illinois was placed under the direction of the t r u s t e e s of the university, and its g r o u n d s were I id on the university farm. Bullet ins a r e issued as often as once every three months and distributed gratuitously. For the more aplete endowment of t h e g te i itutions founded under the act of I ngr< . of 1862, the United E tes government, by a s u p p l e m e n t a r y act passed in IH n le furthei ipropriatlons. Under this e n a c t m e n t :h such college or univcrIty i elved the first y ; the ecM«l, sir,.i.iidift< 1,000 per a n n u m dditlo 1 to t h e a m o u n t of the preceding year. Thi 1 incre e is to continue until the a m o u n t r> the sum of 5,000, which is then to be 1 yearly t h e r e after. The total appropriations by the S t a t e of Illinois to the unh ity for all purposes to d - . 1Y IS W5LL STOCKED. i v u In l 1 . i r Ztxidy I B* C -ly l i t Mow, • '* l! 0 • H f I I ' - XI 1 : I
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