Caption: Commencement - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Hut now the objective is Hf$\ h t m lerstand and how best to live it t r th - mm n g od. So h.i rh c scene shifted from the man to his activil . S j. » Ian o \ ; agriculture, engineering mil economics; the natural 9cicn< > and their applications; philosophy and art in all its i >rm.< th tnd their relations to mankind have become obj< * of study as m ms of understanding life and of living it more uc- cessfully rather than as nv ms of educating individual men and women for their personal ad\ mt. 'cover others This means that today the student has bee >me the m< ms to the end, like a good book, rather than the end it ell as aforetime; and this is well. RESEARCH FUNDAMENTAL Incidentally this change in objective from the man to the activity has radically altered many oi our fundamentals in procedure. For one thing, it has shifted the emphasis from instruction to research. So long as the only objective was the education of the individual, we d r ery of new truth v is left >r the ay be called educational pioneer by Hut when the chief objective becomes the d ment of this, that, or the other field of knowledge, then the faculty of an institution becomes a body oV r al scholars who will exert all their powers toward'discoverfacts and setting them "into tl pi ,j (1 faci d safi \ \ proc ss of critical analysis and synthesis, with logical deduction which we call research, is going on, tin- student Catches the spirit almost out of the atmosphe, unl m tmction becomes incidental to that kind and (hit thoroness of inquiry after new truth which l s \ must eckon