UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Gifts to the University of Illinois Through the Foundation

A N Y people have the idea that for deserving students. With the help replica of the famous J o n k e r d i a m o n d the one object of the University of various University officers a codicil (largest d i a m o n d in the w o r l d at p r e s of Illinois Foundation is to find was drawn up and in its final form was e n t ) to t h e N a t u r a l H i s t o r y M u s e u m ; a person with a million dollars who attached to the will of the alumnus. Dr. and Mrs. W . F . Petersen, one wants to give it away. While we would This assures the University on his death h u n d r e d v o l u m e s from the library of not scorn the million from one indiof an unmentioned sum with which to the late Dr. O t t o h. Schmidt, includvidual, we would rather have $10.00 carry on this splendid work. The Uniing valuable old b o o k s on early medieach from 100,000 alumni because the versity authorities feel that there is no cine, also copies of medical j o u r n a l s latter would represent just 99,999 times greater need in our present development to complete sets in the College of Medias much interest in the University and than for scholarships of this type. cine L i b r a r y ; John N . Chester, '91, in its well-being on the part of its first edition of Sir W a l t e r Raleigh's Over the years, a great many gifts of alumni and former students. If an " H i s t o r y of t h e W o r l d , " 1614, a r a r e the cultural type have been made to alumnus has put money into a proposiand valuable book, being the first the University. During the fiscal year tion, he is much more liable to hold gift secured t h r o u g h the F o u n d a t i o n , 1935-36, in addition to $16,500 for rethat interest than if he a copy of J a m e s W h i t never has contributed. If comb Riley's "Afterwhiles" we were to have a camcopyrighted 1887 with title paign in full swing for a p a g e inscription by the major project, we would a u t h o r to J a m e s N e w t o n want the financial support M a t t h e w s 72, the first of our alumni and friends. matriculated student at Illinois a n d himself a r a r e But we are not looking poetic genius, two letters exclusively for money. from Riley to M a t t h e w s You, my dear alumnus, in 1890, and a treatise on may have some old docu"Testing of W a t e r Wheels ments, rare books, paintand Machinery" by James ings or museum specimens, Emerson, copyright 1881, which you would be glad to Dean Enger of the Colto contribute to the Unilege of Engineering; Prof. versity through the F o u n W . S. Robertson, D e p a r t dation in order that full m e n t of H i s t o r y , a b r o n z e educational value may be replica of an original derived from them. P e r medal by V i t t o r e Pisario haps you know an indi(1397-1455) depicting vidual or family who have Cecelia Conzague, struck such things of historic in 1447, a valuable addivalue and who might be tion t o the University's persuaded to donate them collection of smaller o b to the University. An idea j e c t s of a r t ; Carl A. of how such source maAbrahamson of Chicago, terial is used in graduate t w o ancient m o r t a r s , t h e study in a large university smaller one of b r o n z e a n d is conveyed by a statet h e larger one of bell ment which appeared on metal, each with pestle, page eight of our Foundato the M u s e u m of t h e tion Bulletin, No. 3, and College of Pharmacy; made by an ofBcer of the Col. Nodine P o s t #140 Illinois Historical Survey, G.A.R. ( t h r o u g h W a l t e r a society created for the Price of Champaign), nine purpose of collecting mav o l u m e s of m a n u s c r i p t terial on Illinois and the r e c o r d s of t h e P o s t , a West ^ for the benefit of gavel m a d e chiefly from historical workers in their m a t e r i a l s found on b a t t l e particular fields. T h e statefields in which m e m b e r s PROFESSOR WINDSOR, DIRECTOR OF T H E UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ment is to the effect that and of its Library School, holding the rare first edition of Sir Walter Raleigh's of the Post were engaged, about twenty doctoral dis"History of the World," published in 1614 a n d a few old p h o t o sertations and a much g r a p h s ; Directors of the larger list of masters' Urbana Association of Commerce, all theses already are based upon the matesearch work ($8,500 for one or two N.R.A. literature collected by the rial in the files of the Society. This additional y e a r s ) , $20,800 for instrucassociation d u r i n g the past t w o years, shows how a giver of historical docution ($15,000 of it for two additional t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y ; Mrs. Jennie ments and other source material puts years), $3,200 for scholarships, $1,000 Hartman of Champaign, a p o w d e r this material to work when he places it for apparatus and $320 for loan funds. h o r n used by a H e s s i a n soldier in t h e in the hands of the University Library T h e following gifts have been made R e v o l u t i o n a r y W a r ; Mr. Oscar Mayer or of a Department and makes it availa l o n g the lines suggested, nine of of Chicago, t w o paintings to be h u n g able for advanced study. t h e m t h r o u g h t h e F o u n d a t i o n : Dr. in t h e S t u d e n t C e n t e r Building; Mrs. Charles B. Gibson 77, an e n g r a v i n g There is another function of our F. L. Stevens, four t h o u s a n d p a m p h of Beethoven t o t h e College of Fine alumni, that is, of making direct gifts lets from t h e library of t h e late P r o a n d Applied A r t s a n d chemical and of money with which to purchase colfessor Stevens to the D e p a r t m e n t of assay scales (original value $275) to lections of positive value already known B o t a n y ; Student Organizations to the the D e p a r t m e n t of M i n i n g a n d Metalto exist, and of which the University S t u d e n t C e n t e r $585 for furniture, lurgical E n g i n e e r i n g ; Crerar Library, might be a prospective buyer if it were g a m e s , etc.; Dr. David Kinley, four thirty-five v o l u m e s of "Zeitschrift fur in possession of funds with which to r a r e Chinese e m b r o i d e r i e s ; Public A u g e n h e i l k u n d e " t o t h e College of negotiate for such collections. We W o r k s of Art Project, a collection of Medicine; Mrs. Alice V. B. Clark, '91, know, for example, of a collection of etchings a n d w o o d block p r i n t s peran oil p a i n t i n g of D e a n T. A. Clark Lincolniana of rare merit and wish we m a n e n t l y loaned by t h e G o v e r n m e n t b y R i c h a r d H u l t to M c K i n l e y M e m o r had the money to buy it. There is no to the University. ial H o s p i t a l a n d an old volume, 1715, more fitting place for a fine Lincoln entitled "Filosofia Moral" by Dr. collection than at the University of Please keep in mind the possibility of E m a n u e l T e s a u r o t r a n s l a t e d from the Illinois. helping us in these cultural directions as Italian into Spanish by D o n Gomez H e r e is something else to think about, well as in more material ways. Our de la Rocha, originally given to D e a n dear alumnus. Not long ago one of our active trusteeship of the Chicago MediT. A. Clark by the father of Ezequiel alumni communicated with us stating cal and Dental Project has been a real A r a n d a ('93); Harry Winston, a diahis desire to create a fund with which service to t h e University. May we m o n d b r o k e r in N e w Y o r k City, a to establish some special scholarships broaden that service in still other lines.


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