Caption: Booklet - Handbook of Student Housing (1950) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
or graduate student you are given preference in assignment to the Hall Annex, but there is also a regular residence hall assignment policy which applies to non-veteran applicants. 3. If you're a married student . . . You can apply by mail or in person at the Housing Division offices for one of 760 emergency dwelling units the University operates. These are distributed among married undergraduates, graduates, and staff people at the University. A i r V i e w of l l l i n i V i l l a g e Emergency Housing A r e a 2. If you're a single woman student . . . The only emergency housing unit for single women students is the University Residence Hall Annex, a temporary one-story building with space for 49 women students. If you are a veteran Children's Play A r e a — l l l i n i V i l l a g e 4. What about meal service in emergency housing units? Back Terrace of O n e of the W o m e n ' s Residence Halls If you live in one of the emergency housing units, you arrange to have your meals out. Elsewhere in this Handbook, (page 25) you'll find out where you can go to eat. 13 12