Caption: Booklet - Handbook of Student Housing (1950) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
mation for you on the different kinds of rooms you can get at the time. To make arrangements for rooms in privately-run graduate homes, you should arrange for a personal interview with the house director, rather than try to make plans by letter-writing. The Housing Division keeps an up-to-date listing of vacancies in these homes. You aren't often able to get meal service in graduate homes. You can, though, at the University Residence Hall, where your contract covers both room and board. W H A T IS A N O R G A N I Z E D STUDENT HOUSE? An organized independent house is a student home in which the members have resolved to work together to foster good fellowship, develop leadership, stimulate social growth, and encourage scholastic achievement and athletic activity. To be officially "organized," these groups must be recognized by the Committee on Student Affairs. The advantage of living in an organized house is that you have a chance to help in developing a group social program, as well as to take part in campus-wide activities, such as Homecoming contests, the Spring Carnivals, All-University Sings, and so on. Since you can reap obvious benefits from living with an organized group, you may well want to find out whether or not the house you have in mind is organized — either under the Women's Group System (WGS) or under the Men's Independent Association (MIA). W H A T H O U S I N G IS AVAILABLE O N THE C H I C A G O CAMPUS? If you go to the Navy Pier division, you'll arrange for your housing by yourself. The University doesn't maintain any Residence Halls or keep a Housing Office at the Pier. \ 20 21