UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Booklet - Your First Year the University (1935) [PAGE 23]

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The Student Center

Illinois Union < Woman s League •

H E Illinois Union is the campus organization of all University men. The Interfraternity Council is made up of representatives of the fraternities on the campus, the Independent Council is the organization of independent men, but the Illinois Union is the organization for all men. I t maintains offices in the Student Center, which is located in the Illinois Union Building. Interested in the promotion of loyalty t o the University of Illinois on the part of its men, the Illinois Union sponsors a program of activities, many in conjunction with the Woman's League, and including Homecoming, Dad's Day, and Mother's Day. I t owns and operates the Union Dances, the Union Bowling Alleys, the Union Billiard Room, and the Union Book Exchange. Its activity program is interspersed with social functions particularly for men, and it offers a splendid field for activities among the men of the University. The Woman's League is the campus organization of all University women. It is the most active and influential of the feminine groups on the campus. I t sponsors self-government among the women, a spirit of unity, and an attitude of democracy. I t formulates the general rules for women students. I t carries on an active program of social events, teas, receptions, and other meetings. I t sponsors the Woman's Group System, organization of independent University women; it stages several dramatic productions, operates the Woman's League Cooperative Houses, and cooperates with the Illinois Union in the management of Homecoming, Dad's Day, and Mother's Day. I n addition t o its office in the Student Center, it has general offices in the Woman's Building, on the campus. The two organizations, the Illinois Union and the Woman's League, together form t h e largest organized unit of t h e student body. They serve as welfare organizations for the students, and from t h e membership of t h e two can be secured broad and objective opinions of the students. Any matter which affects the student body as a whole can be considered by these two groups with t h e understanding that representative student opinion can be secured from them. They are large organizations but planned so that their units can function with expediency and efficiency. Together they contribute a great deal t o the campus.


H E University of Illinois Student Center in the Illinois Union Building is the hub of student affairs and activities on the campus. I t is t h e social, recreational, and activity office headquarters for the entire campus, for both men and women. I t is equipped for a variety of purposes. T h e student who needs an hour for quiet study between classes will find a place in t h e lounges. T h e student who needs a committee meeting room for a group of fifty people can schedule his meeting in the Student Center. There are lounges for men and women and a mixed lounge for both. I n the game room are ping pong tables, tables for chess, checkers, and bridge. Checkroom service and public telephones are provided. Offices are provided for a number of the student activities. The offices of the Alumni Association and Athletic Association are on the first floor; also the office of the Student Affairs Committee representative. Desks are provided in the general office space for the Illinois Union, the W o m a n ' s League, the Daily Illini, the Theater Guild, the Independent Council, the Glee Clubs, and for temporary use by other activities. O n t h e second floor are t h e offices of the Illio, Illinois Union, and Dad's Association, and in t h e basement is quartered t h e Illini Publishing Company. The Student Center, provided in the spring of 1935, meets a long-standing need of t h e campus, namely, a central building for extra-curricular activity business, for committee and meeting rooms, and for social use by both men and women. Its location makes it an ideal place t o serve a variety of needs. Student elections of all types are held in the lobby. Ticket sales for campus dances and dramatic productions, and the distribution of programs, are handled in the office. Displays of educational material are occasionally placed on exhibit in t h e lobby. Informal meetings can be held without notice in the lounges, and more formal meetings can be scheduled and rooms reserved for them in advance. An attendant is in charge at all times for the convenience of students, alumni, and faculty who wish t o utilize the various services and facilities of the Student Center.


Mixed Lounge— Student Center— Union Building


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