Caption: Booklet - Your First Year the University (1935) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
if University of Illinois VJ-: h . . . Index to Contents PAGE T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS EX OFFICIO HENRY HORNER, Governor of Illinois J O H N A. WIELAND, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Springfield Springfield Administrative officers . Admission . 2 7 13 2 Back Cover 22 10 26 17 18 12 20 14 43 11 14 15 15 19 Board and R o o m Board of T r u s t e e s Calendar . . . . . ELECTED MEMBERS (Term GEORGE A. BARR ... Colleges a n d S c h o o l s Costs Joliet 1931-1937) . .400 N . Michigan Avenue, Chicago Benton . . . EDWARD E. BARRETT WALTER W . W I L L I A M S Courses a n d Curricula D e a n of M e n D e a n of W o m e n Employment . . . (Term M R S . NELLIE V. FREEMAN ORVILLE M. KARRAKER 1933-1939) Mattoon Harrisburg Freshman W e e k DR. KARL A. MEYER. (Term OSCAR G. MAYER . MRS. MARIE C. PLUMB HAROLD A. POGUE . ... 1935-1941) Cook County Hospital, Chicago H e a l t h Service S t a t i o n Illinois U n i o n Loan Funds McKinley Military Physical Training Life . . . . 1241 Sedgwick Street, Chicago 4816 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago 705 N . Oakland Avenue, Decatur Hospital Officers of the Board WALTER W . W I L L I A M S , President HARRISON E. C U N N I N G H A M , Secretary. Benton Urbana Urbana Religious Rooms 13 11 45 48 42 41 Association FRANK M. GORDON, Treasurer.. LLOYD MOREY, Comptroller.... .First National Bank, Chicago ... Scholarships Student Affairs Student A l u m n i Student Center Committee Association ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS of the University Student Life a n d Activities Student M u t u a l Benefit Hospital ARTHUR CUTTS WILLARD, B.S., D.Eng., LL.D., President ALBERT JAMES HARNO, B.S., LL.B., LL.D., GEORGE P H I L I P TUTTLE, B.S., Registrar of Men FRED HAROLD TURNER, Ph.D., Dean 14 5 43 Provost W h o S h o u l d G o t o College Woman's League MARIA LEONARD, A.M., Dean of Women _,!!•' Page 2