UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Booklet - Your First Year the University (1935) [PAGE 13]

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The Colleges and Schools

The Colleges and Schools

School of Journalism

Provides two years of professional study in journalism for students who have completed two years of college work, ordinarily the pre-journalism curriculum of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Director—Lawrence W. Murphy, 101 University Hall School of Physical Education


H E University of Illinois is made up of a group of Colleges and Schools. This division into units is based on the nature of the subjects which are taught in the units. A student entering the University must select the College or School in which he wishes to register. There follows a list of the Colleges and Schools with the names and University addresses of the administrative officers of each division. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Provides a liberal education in the humanities and sciences, specialized curricula in chemistry and chemical engineering, and courses preparatory to the study of journalism, law, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Dean—Matthew T. McClure, 304 University Hall Associate Dean—Harris F. Fletcher, 304 University Hall Assistant to the Dean—H. S. Dawson, 304 University Hall College of Commerce and Business Administration

Is made up of the following departments: Physical Education for Men, Physical Education for Women, and the Health Service. It offers professional curricula leading to a bachelor's degree in the science of physical education. Director—George A. Huff, 104 New Gymnasium Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women—Miss Louise Freer, 118 Woman's Gymnasium College of Law, Library School, and Graduate School Do not admit students directly from the high school. Students expecting to enter them should consult the Dean or Director concerning entrance credits. College of Law—Dean Albert J. Harno, 301 Law Building Admits graduates of recognized colleges and universities, or University of Illinois seniors having at least an average grade of "C." Library School—Director Phineas L. Windsor, 222 Library Admits only college or university graduates. Graduate School—Dean Robert D. Carmichael, 109 Administration Building, East Admits only college or university graduates. Division of University Extension

Offers to its students training in the principles underlying business, with special training for particular business callings, and a foundation on which successful careers in managerial and administrative positions may be built. Dean—Charles M. Thompson, 214 Commerce Building Assistant Dean—Charles F. Schlatter, 214 Commerce Building Assistant to the Dean—Thor W. Bruce, 214a Commerce Building

College of Engineering

Provides curricula in which cultural subjects are interwoven with the theoretical and technical subjects for the purpose of training men for the profession of engineering. The curricula are extensive and varied and permit a wide range of choice as well as an opportunity for genuine specialization. Dean—Melvin L. Enger, 103 Engineering Hall Associate Dean—Harvey H. Jordan, 300 Engineering Hall College of Agriculture

Established to extend the educational facilities of the University to persons who desire instruction by correspondence. Each course is equivalent to a course given to students in residence at the University. Director—Robert B. Browne, 108 University Hall College of Medicine Offers a five-year curriculum based on two years of pre-medical work in Liberal Arts and Sciences (seven years in all). Dean—David J. Davis, 1853 West Polk Street, Chicago Assistant to the Dean—George R. Moon, 1853 West Polk Street, Chicago College of Dentistry

Offers curricula in agriculture, floriculture, and home economics, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. In addition to the professional purposes of each curriculum, preparation for the practical affairs of life is an important aim. Dean—Herbert W. Mumford, 101 New Agriculture Building Assistant Dean—Robert R. Hudelson, 104 New Agriculture Building

College of Education

Aims primarily to train high-school teachers, principals, supervisors, and superintendents. Students may enter the curriculum in industrial education as freshmen, but for all other curricula two years of college or university work are prerequisite. Dean—Thomas E. Benner, 104 Administration Building, East College of Fine and A l l i e d Arts

Provides four years of instruction after two years of pre-dental work in Liberal Arts and Sciences (six years in all). Dean—Frederick B. Noyes, 1838 West Harrison Street, Chicago College of Pharmacy Requires for the degree one year of pre-pharmacy training in a college of Liberal Arts and Sciences and three years in residence at the College of Pharmacy. Dean—William B. Day, 715 South Wood Street, Chicago

The Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy of the University of Illinois are in Chicago. All other schools and colleges are in Urbana-Champaign.

Provides curricula in architecture, landscape architecture, art, and music. In addition to the professional curricula, the College offers opportunities for students who wish to acquaint themselves with the arts from a purely cultural standpoint. Dean—Rexford Newcomb, 110 Architecture Building Assistant Dean—Cyrus E. Palmer, 110 Architecture Building Director of the School of Music—Frederic B. Stiven, 100 Smith Memorial Hall

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