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Caption: Book - Pictorial Guide to College of Engineering (1919) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION T HE Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois is an organization within the College of Engineering. It was created by an act of the Board of Trustees on December 8, 1903, to stimulate and to elevate engineering education and to investigate problemsof special importance to professional engineers and to the manufacturing, railway, mining and other industrial interests of the State and of the country. The knowledge thus obtained is made available through the publication of bulletins presenting the results of original research, and of circulars containing compilations of important information not otherwise readily accessible to the interests to be served. The control of the Station is vested in an Executive Staff composed of the Director and his Assistant, the Heads of the several departments of the College of Engineering and the Professor of Industrial Chemistry. This staff is responsible for the establishment of general policies governing the work of the Station, including the approval of material presented for publication. While all members of the teaching staff of the College are encouraged to engage in scientific research, it is conducted chiefly by the Research Corps composed of full-time research assistants, research graduate assistants and special investigators. Those employed for special investigations are engaged for a limited time on a single problem. The University of Illinois now maintains fourteen Research Graduate Assistantships in the Engineering 14 Experiment Station. In addition, two Research Graduate Assistantships in Gas Engineering have been established under the patronage of the Illinois Gas Association. These Assistantships are open to graduates of approved American and foreign universities and technical schools who are prepared to undertake graduate study in engineering, physics or applied chemistry. Each assistantship carries a stipend of five hundred dollars and freedom from tuition, incidental and laboratory fees. Appointment to these positions must be accepted for two consecutive collegiate years, at the expiration of which period, if all requirements have been met, the degree of Master of Science will be conferred. Not more than half of the time of these assistants, during ten months of each year, is required in connection with the work of the department to which they are assigned; the remainder is available for graduate study. Information concerning the opportunities for graduate study in engineering will be found in the circular of the Graduate School, which may be obtained upon request to the Dean of the Graduate School. Further details regarding appointment to the Research Graduate Assistantships will be supplied upon request by the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station. The Station has already published one hundred and ten bulletins and eight circulars. All these publications are regarded as contributions to the literature of engineering, and many of them present important additions to the science of engineering. All publications are distributed free to those persons who are on the regular mailing list of the Station, and to others upon request. After the number of copies of a particular bulletin, however, has been reduced to an established limit, a small charge is made for each of those remaining for distribution. A charge is also made for duplicate copies of a particular bulletin when these are requested by an individual, unless in special cases it is deemed advantageous to the Station to furnish such dupli15
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