Caption: Book - Building Program 1934-1942 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
S T A T E M E N T OF COSTS OF N E W BUILDINGS AND E Q U I P M E N T BY SOURCES OF FUNDS. JULY 1, 1933, TO JUNE 30, 1942 Total State Tax Revenues University Income Fund United States Grants Loans Gifts from Private Sources Metallurgical Laboratory Addition ... $ 49 998 $ 49 Dentistry, Medicine? and Pharmacy Building, Second U n i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 818 836 373 Library Addition. 222 216 McKinley Hospital Addition, South W i n g . . . . . . . . . 181 101 Gregory Hall. 888 713 703 Illini Union Building (Urbana) 1 483 004 Abbott Power and Heating Plant and Distribution System ..... . . . 1 685 934 1 675 Men's Residence Hall ......... 690 563 Chicago Illini Union Building. . ... 101 274 Water Tower with New Wells and Water M a i n s . . . 90 000 90 3 Total University Funds. .. . . . . . $7 211 639 $2 891 Natural Resources Building Natural Resources Building Garage. Geological Survey Laboratory.. Total 4 582 ... 70 95 $7 958 998 112 $ 2 416 347 15 440 90 375 $354 219 180 170 510 724 800 754 271 125 $1 091 000 002 705 653 $176 851 6 000 10 934 50 366 40 190 000 _ _ _ _ _ 112 $210 068 640 197 61 0841 ________ _____ $1 435 674 $2 497 934 $176 851 6 (2) 268 363 ___________ $1 704 037" $2 497 934 335 5 295 4725 18 500 5 000 70 0005 OOP5 95 OOP5 9746 $3 351 584 $228 568 $176 851 6 ^ l ^ O l not capitalized. 2 U. S. grant of $62,080 not capitalized. 3 Does not include equipment belonging to the State of Illinois. 4 Not including Neuropsychiatric Institute, a building belonging to the State of Illinois, and built upon land owned by the State of Illinois, adjacent to Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Building and Research and Educational Hospitals from appropriations to Department of Public Welfare. Approximate cost of $834,750 from State funds in addition to a Federal grant. 5 State appropriation was made to the Department of Registration and Education. 6 Contributions as of November 1, 1942, are $209,255; grand total for new buildings and equipment, $7,991,378. GIFTS The University of Illinois has received as contributions to the above building program $1,435,000 from Federal sources in outright grants and nearly $250,000 subscribed by Alumni for furnishings and equipment for the Illini Union Building, total $1,685,000. Special Note: A State appropriation of $125,000 for a Band Building was made for the 1941-43 biennium, but construction was postponed on account of war priorities*