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Caption: Book - First Years of Engineering Experiment Station (1906) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION II. P L A N OP ORGANIZATION The organization for directing and guiding t h e operations of the station consists of a director and a station staff. T h e staff consists of seven members, representing with t h e director t h e heads of t h e different departments! of the College of Engineering. A corps of assistants wTill be appointed whose entire time will be devoted to t h e prosecution of such experimental investigations as may be approved by t h e station staff. Several assistants have already been appointed who have been detailed to take up special investigations under t h e supervision of some member of t h e staff. Preparations are being made for other experimental work, and as fast as the necessary apparatus and equipment can be arranged, additional assistants will be put in charge of t h e work. Encouragement and aid will be given to instructors already employed by t h e University who desire to take up some line of research work. Whenever such men prove to be successful experimenters and clear writers, some arrangement may be made whereby a p a r t of their time may be devoted to t h e work of t h e station and a correspondingly proportionate p a r t of their salary paid from t h e funds of t h e station. III. "WORK A L R E A D Y ACCOMPLISHED T h e first work undertaken by the Engineering Experiment Station was an investigation of reinforced concrete and the prop- erties of concrete affecting reinforced concrete construction. The results of this work are recorded in Bulletin No. 1, Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, by Arthur N. Talbot, which was published as University of Illinois Bulletin, Volume II, No. 1. September 1, 1904. This was one of t h e first extensive and systematic investigations on reinforced concrete made in this country, and the results aided in clearing up a number of controverted points. While the investigation was carried on largely as senior thesis work, the character of t h e work and t h e supervision and planning given to it, together with t h e method of furnishing materials and apparatus, warrant giving more weight to t h e results than may usually be given to results of student work. T h e investigation covered a considerable range. T h e results on bond between concrete and steel (plain and deformed bars) and on t h e relation between compressive stress and deformation were of interest. The measured deformations obtained in plain concrete beams showed
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