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Caption: Book - First Years of Engineering Experiment Station (1906) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE STATE UNIVERSITY THE UNITERSITY INCLUDES T H I C O L L E G E O F L I T E R A T U R E AND A R T S (Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophical and Political Science Groups of Studies, Economics, Commerce and Industry.) C O L L E G E O F ENGINEERING (Thorough and careful instruction; unexcelled library; spacious buildings; wellequipped laboratories and shops. Graduate and Undergraduate courses in Architecture; Civil Engineering; Municipal and Sanitary Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Railway Engineering.) C O L L E G E O F SCIENCE (Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics. Physics, Physiology, Zoology.) C O L L E G E O F A G R I C U L T U R E (Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Veterinary Science, Household Science.) C O L L E G E O F LAW (Three years' course) C O L L E G E O F MEDICINE (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago.) (Four years' cours C O L L E G E O F DENTISTRY (Chicago.: Three years' C( SCHOOLS—MUSIC (Voice. Piano. Violin), LIBRARY SCIENCE. P H A R M A C Y , (Chicago), E D U C A T I O N , and the G R A D U A T E S C H O O L . A S u m m e r School, witn a session of nine weeks, is open each summer. A Military Regiment is organized a t the University, for ini iction in Military Science. Closely connected with work of the University are students' organizations foreduational and social purposes (Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Literary. Scientific, and Technical Societies and Clubs; YoungMen's and Young Women's Christian As^ocia! ions). United States Experiment Station, State Laboratory of Natural History, Biological Experiment Station on Illinois River, State Water Survey, State Geological Survey. Engineering Experiment Station: A department organized to investigate problems of importance to the engineering and manufacturing interests of the State. The Library contains 8 0 , 0 0 0 v o l u m e s , and 3 0 . 0 0 0 p a m phlets. T h e University offers 5 2 6 Free Scholarships. Eor catalogs and information address W. L. P I L L S B U R Y . Registrar, Urbana, Illinois
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