Caption: Book - First Years of Engineering Experiment Station (1906) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

12 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION sary accessories for testing the road-building qualities of gravel and macadam. The laboratory is coop.erating with the State Highway Commission and with the State Geological. Survey in a systematic study of the road-building materials of Illinois. I N T H E C E M E N T LABORATORY This laboratory is equipped with briquette molds, molding machines, testing machines, etc., necessary in testing hydraulic cement, and in making investigations as to t h e effect of different materials and methods of manipulation upon t h e s t r e n g t h of mort a r s and concrete. I N T H E LABORATORY OF A P P L I E D MECHANICS 1. A Riehle vertical screw power testing machine of 600,000 lb. capacity fitted to take large and bulky test specimens. This machine will take compression pieces 25 feet long and tension pieces of the same net length except as allowance must be made for stretch. T h e clear distance between screws is 36 inches, which gives room for bulky and built-up pieces. T h e machine is provided with a stiffened vertical frame to allow eccentric and oblique forces to be applied to test pieces, an unusual feature in testing machines. Short beams may be tested on the machine, and provision may easily be made for testing longer beams. Auxiliary appliances are used for holding the various forms of test piece in order to secure an application or distribution of the load in the manner desired. Especial attention was given in t h e design and construction of the machine to making it applicable to a large range of tests. T h e calibration of the machine shows that it is very accurate and very sensitive. F o r the smaller loads a second poise weighing up to 60,000 lb. is used. 2. An Olsen four-screw testing machine of 200,000 lb. for tests in tension, compression and flexure. This machine will take beams up to a length of 20 feet. 3. T h r e e 100,000-lb. testing machines of different makes, fitted up in the usual way. 4. An Olsen torsion machine of 220,000 inch-pound capacity. . 5. An Olsen vibratory testing machine for testing stay bolts. 6. A variety of smaller machines for testing cast iron, timber, etc.