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Caption: Magazine - The Reptonian (1917 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
kt l'h 1 • I I THE LANDSCAPE Q I B OFF! H s. l: . I N R H Hvu ^ •Miss H \ I B KN, 1 -/' THE LANDS( MM- COUN< IL K. R< K. L, Mckew \ . ulty • « -• U. S REID, Chairman \ H \V; Mi Mv '*• s: S? rn. THE FUNCTION OF THE 1 ANDSC AIM i I ( The Landscape Club is composed o\ the lar ion in the course and is open to all upon appl: n. It was oi mi? pr inarily to take care of the various thin s which in be don i holj udent in such a course by the members working t< n. From this function it has branched out into the .11 view to bringing the students in the various cl inl u each other, and assisting in the interchange ol idea |a ind the faculty. This year the club is issuing sets of specifications >\ i ir ty; > instruction found in actual practice. l n addition f if good plant combinations, blue-printed photo hs of nt lands ipe \\ rk. and tracings o\ plans and details which w ha to the \ untf prol ssional man who does not have u << t * i ar. ht'iiiK prepared.
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