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Caption: Booklet - Research Hospitals (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
During tlu session of i 21 I junction pro 1m k n d the ln-^in e and i of d ail t th( inclusion of tl in the Bcherae, A: the su lion of thi D or i Public \\ conferences were held on thi mi r and an nl n icl to the eff rt that such 1 were d to < i noa work in tlu^ R h and I lucational II-. pi 1 | ke] filled with typical i -r udy from the Illinois Charil hie !/• arid Ear [i rmary. This agn ment, however, was never i by the Di n tor. Later, other inter- te s red an appropri < m for a sep rat building in another 1 ion, < Pr - in irrvin it the plan was » slow thai I i ill ; ':. ion of Governor I \ Small to the matter and on 0 r 12, 1923, he su 1 a conferee I" w n repp mtatives of the I d< versity and the Director. Al the r pi t of th Dh a i mini e ; w - appoint I " advi» him of the minimum number of beds n to begin o\ tions in the following October, on the opening of tl Colle^ • IT. Thia commits . representing th CJniversil 1 the modest number of 100 beds as the minimum and v. - promised t h st 200 by 0 tober, 1924. They were not ready i thi tim Through the summer of 1924 the Supervising Archil i the University did all in hia power to secure more rapid prog] as, but without nice He report 1 on October 11 thai he had I ad no evident tha anything had been don< toward- 3ecurin the equipment n ssary for the o] oing of the Hospitals. l\ not until April I. 1925, that the H pitals v < ipened t« n eive the first p tient. On April 20 the Supervise Archie v. inforu d by thi i anagin offi ir of th Hospitals that the Departmen w uld provide fun to opera D a fifty bed basis until July 1. although 200 1 is had been promise 1 for the preceding Oetober, On < toher 23, 1925, the Pn idenl of the University laid the situaion befoi tl Board of Tru the matter was referred to a >p 1 ommitt< to confer with the Governor and Din tor and this common d iranci that the provision ask 1 for would be met, up to 200 beds. This \\ on April 14, 1926. The beds were not forthcomini The Director wro on August M that he had irran 1 to pin 7){) Hum bed in the Honpitals by Octobei i. 192G. In spit* of the pi' ing n cl of blicHC Hospitals for equipment, nicro than « $175,000 of money approprial I for them was allowed to lapse at tin I of the fi cal > fir, Kor omcthing more than a year now we ha run on a loo 1 d b is. It will b( ••••n from thia accouni thai we have had a continuous H y\ seven our to get, I will not sa> adequate provision for 6
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