Caption: Booklet - War Courses for Women Students #2 (1943) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
. w ^ Kia .. . nc G Geolo$; an la . I: you have Ida In there la crl a per* ..1 ize In - - titude Leal ahoi I 0 — stry — Phyaica — Ba Losy — a t l Los — Secretai al i Pe ionne) nginee in r c h i t e c t u r a i Drawing — Oeogra iy — P /chology — Radio * * * * C M L Y S RVICE — Vital f i e l d s for women OM n the LLL-OOT .R EFFORT. Protection of child! n i s of pi 1ta: e« A gre t need for workers e x i s t s in the following fields: n dry and Secondary Schools, Nu /Schools, Bial Service, Nursing, Recreation, Camp and Club Leadership, Sone courses which prep re for Community Service ar~: le Child & Kls Develop >nt (Hoi . 56 & 56b) reation and Camp Leadership (P.E.' .30) .1 wid - n J of coui es in Sociology, Psycholor , ;uca~ tion. } CIV £ /ICE - FEE L LND ST — k Civil Service r in 3 rec ir I for all government positions. College .ates ith jors in the Social Sciences anc 3usiness - . ;rati 1 \ : e employed extensively as Junior r ^ Dfessional sistants, wide demand exists also for g lu: es in the Physic 1 and tural Sciences. St e Civil Service affords opportunities e peclally .re . che v e i re programs, .i ...: . degree qualifies .l 'n applic for th examination of Junior Visitor. sretaries with colle i education are urgently 1 ede — everywhere. * :;.• :;-. * * * * * * D S — Seniors, 1 p e c l a l l y , \ ould cor. with Hi erent women's a u x i l i a r i e s — H .' — A - - S. . Senio 1 1 y e n l i s t in the M prl * Ion 1 be placed on ir Uve t a t us L coll< e OUJ a La 1. See D 1 1 onard, fat y ( ii AC. * * : * * . * * . IT i ( RL [ THE K101 M Lai in war t1 i ' 3 01 t 1 tha T* lit**