Caption: Magazine - The Siren (1911 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
GOOD CHAMPAIGN Soda Candy AND Steam L a u n d r y Home Phone Bell Phone 1115 897 Lunch AT OPPOSI IE WALKER OPERA MOUSE 28 E. Neil St., Champaign McCormicK's Confectionery 61 N. NEIL ST. Coupon Books 10% Discount $ 2 . 0 0 for Si.-SO $ 3 . 0 0 for $2.10 $5 for $4.50 $ 10 for $9.00 CATERING A SPECIALTY MONROE & KEUSINK BROTHERS, PROP. C , This Publication is a fair sample of the work which turned out by the Book Department of " T h e Flanigan Pearson Co." :: C T h i s department of the establishment has been brought up in recent years to a standard which insures as good work in the book line as can be secured anywhere in Illinois. The press room, composing room and bindery departments are equipped for the turning out of Till-; B E S T o l work, and this is the only kind that is allowed to leave the I establishment. ^M^^^ • * * I • * (LEitimatot on Catalogue, Book and Pamphlet Work will Li Kindly made by addreanni II IK H A N I C . A N P I . A R S O N I ).. r u m ^ " " •tocM would a iQclbu.urT