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Caption: Magazine - The Siren (1911 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
a®ua Flavor Have you ever t h o u g h t how lavish N a t u r e with oats? She h a s j n a d e this grain a B e t t e r body builder, B e t t e r brain-builder, B e t t e r nerve-builder, Than any other grain t h a t grows. She has crowded t h e oat with more digestible protein, more organic phosphorus, and more lecithin t h a n any other cereal food. She has made it a vim-producer —an energy food —beyond a n y t h i n g else we know. And, to climax all, she has given oatmeal t h a t fascinating flavor. It the best-like cereal which comes to our morning t a b l e . "What food is so delightful as oatmeal ami cream? Thus the e l e m e n t s needed for the growinj child are made enticing to it. The vital food for growth, work, play and study are mad' t h e most a t t r a c t i v e . For sheer delight, regardless of food value, nothing compares in the long run with oatmeal. But the finest flavor lies in rich, p l u m p , luscious o:»ts So we select those oats by 62 separate sift inns. We get b u t ten pounds of luaker Oats from a bushel. These lected oats, prepared by our prore--, form the finest oat food in e x i s t e n c e . Those who want the best—both in flavor and food value—alwavs insist on this brand. The R e g u l a r Size package 1 Oc * Family size package, for smaller cities and country t r a d e , 26c, The prices noted do not apply in the extreme west or south. cost, despite its quality, is but, one-half cent per dish* The Quaker oats Company (MIC A(.0 LeoA foi the Quaker 1 i.\iicm.\rk on o r o p.\<K.\gc
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