UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Sophograph - 1891 [PAGE 31]

Caption: Sophograph - 1891
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I 111


shape resembling nothing 1 had ever seen before. It was longer in proportion than a cigar, was pointed al both ends, had a row of windows on the sill.- and (he height was rather greater than the width. II was propelled hy large screw-propellers whose rapid revolutions grave the eve only a hint- of their position al the stern of the vessel.'

"Nearer she c a m e until a l m o s t oyer us,

metal as t h e )•<• | of tin- :


huh. I

when, gracefully as a bird, she descended to 1 (In very platform upon which we were standing. Immediately a crowd of people came streaming out of one door while of hers crowded

in at a second."

told, was aluminum. There i little 'mi'- l < for observalion. A bell ounded and imm ately the platform seemed to drop I m und«*r us and soon became confu ed with the buildings around it. Now the eity i d to drop and began to sweep to the i r pr< enting th appearance of a stream of buildings, parks and lakes. But all the while I •• ttirely unconscious of motion in the ship I

t h e r e was not t h e s l i g h t e jar."

"This vessel slops again in the north end of the city where I live. and. as 1 lie trip over the city will give you a good view, perhaps you would not ooject to the ride," remarked my companion. "His words brought me hack from my wandering astonishment to a sense of the great reality before me, for I saw that, instead of an experiment, the air-ship1 was a practicable conveyance for passengers. "I ventured to remind him of the .accident to the 'Meda' only a few davs before and expressed some timidity in regard to the proposed ride, but he only smiled, saying that there was nomoredangei in riding in an air-ship than there was in the possibility of1 being struck by lightning. 'In either case, he continued, laughing, 'if there is any danger, the result is


"As the wind changed and t he v swung toward the direction whence it blew, I noticed that, instead of the current of buildings rushing to the rear, it med to chang its direction and drift to the right. I just make out what I supposed to I be limit of the city away in the distance on either

of t h e r i v e r o\' hoi|v ( .< w h i c h had I n rusliih.

so rapidly beneath us so sluggishly in th distance." "I was interestedly observing the grand seemed to rise to meei us and tin-re was a scarcely perceptible tremor of the ship; then a bell gave two sharp strokes and we roam! lefl the wonderful ship. f found myself upon a similar platform to that from which we started, hut this time surrounded by One residences instead of imposing store I ildings and factories." "After a short walk we arrived at m\ friend's home, a beautiful place. Having become, hy this time, somewhat accustomed the new ways. I was able to conduct myself s as not to show my astonishment i much a- I 11 had before.

" T h e s u p p e r was all it promised to he. ami a l t e r it was over, we walked to t h e c l u b - r


a n o r a m a , w h e n , s u d d e n l y , t h e part of tl



He led t h e way and I f o l l o w e d , t r e m -

blingly to be sure, for I did very much desire

to try if and find Out what it was like."

"\\ < entered a long hall with seats arrang• e noi unlike those of a railway coach and with d large square plate-glass windows through which could see the city to good advantage. I looked forile- machinery which gave motion to the immense propellers at the stern, hut I w only two round cases made of the same

together as they were no! faraway. Wefou I

t h e o t h e r y o u n g m e n w h o m I had' a it d i n ner t i m e and m a n y m o r e seated in g r o u p s t a l k -