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Caption: Sophograph - 1892 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I THE SOPHOOK M'll OK , U. More over take unto your memories the fact tl witsom of all kings, Solomon Steele did at thai tim< thing as to Steele his room-mates sack clot hand seventh d In which did rightfully belong unto him could not have \m>n for t) at that t i m e / And I am well pleased for hath not our llli i all of this even until ye did longer fail to understand hi rth A hath repeated it in the Philomathean hall alone thirteen hundred i I three times, and even will he do so again. 15. And next we did gird up our loins and we did hold 01 * i shatter over our heads while he did grab his goose quill and n I \zl roasted the class of '91 even unto burning and when he was dom- In le with satisfartion and he did poke his business managerin the ribs and cl for he felt himself full financially and spake unto Kabbi saying, 1 "Stolen Sophograph" art not she a daisy, will she not sell for a quartei • 1 am I not as a Moses sent to the class of '92 for I have guided ye all through the wilderness unto victory. 16. And Rabbi did take from his gown his snuff box and they did partake and were moved to tears of joy. 17. But divers of these twenty-five cent roasts did suddenly disappear even unto three score, and great was our consternation and the wrath of our Rabbi, for he had thusly parted with success and lost Peter's money. 18. And when things were come unto this state even did we feel almighty and our beaves did jingle their lucre and they did thirst after more fame, and the lucre did burn their fingers and they counseled together and saith J t us go down and visit the chiefs of that new formed tribe of Freshmen who knoweth not of our ways, see the manner thereof, and ally ourselves with them for we shall be in dire need of friends and funds, and it was done. 19. And the freshmen knowing not what they did accepted, and in Dan ville did we banquet. They paid the expenses and furnished the good senci and we did act foolish and make dry toasts and managed affairs to suit selves. Verily we are a swift gang but how we did weep, as sentiment i >in home came floating through the hall. And verily I could see plainly in the hazy atmosphere these words "An eye for and eye" and I knew that It was80 for though I could not see—I felt. 20. And I remember "this one thing I did." I swored, I did, at the junior exhibition, and so it came to pass in that day that I burst mv bonds and strangers were astonished. But believe, my classmates, time for thought hath wrought within me a great change and I now blush for mv actions. But I cannot refrain from repeating once again mv Philistine war-cn Soup! Soup ! Soup ! (now for '92.) POEMLET, BY w. p. MCCARTNEY. N o w lend me your ears, Kind friends one and all. W h i l e t o y o u a s t r a n g e s o n g I will s i n g Of t h e w o r l d a n d i t s w a y s , Winch we see every day T h a t h a s n ' t m u c h filling b e t w e e n . T h u s t h e t.ill m a n w e ; A*, h e i o n h i t W <v I rotn tin* vi.ii 1 I the wm id I w ould i \ ei l i t h i ' ,i l i . •.., i rom the fronl to the i • ' 1 hal t h r u I n o t n u n li l i l l i n / I w. « n J ' h i r . .nil I i ->w |i in. I« I Of l l i r i.t lid if . u r i .d 0 < 'I t l " u |>t!l |"»i I .(I !•• m i . Old * I * It H i I.» \ . M l , rift luii ,i fu| I lirir | 11. ! mtll h fllluiU I
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