Caption: Sophograph - 1892 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

18 Til OPHOOKAPH OF A WISH \ 1AM I S S T E E 1 At the cornei Stood the pop-corn man Shi tg his kling hopper Saul a pretty prep who came that 1 wish 1 v per. Time p. »ed and soon the pretty prep Into senior grew. v pretty little maid he met With eyes of inny blue. H e often took h e r to the show i lots of c a n d y nought her. She won his heart, he told her 10, And thus he was a popper. \ t length her father he found out That the id senior s o u g h t her, A n d with his gun he went for hirn Pop p o p ! oh he ipop-per. At length t h e y wed b u t in year A s t r a n g e r came, a whopper, With r u d d y cheeks—he we hed eight pound The prep w now i p a p - p e r . lis stilish wife soon spent his t: In vain he tr I to stop her T o p a y her bills it made him ill A n d now he is a—pauper. ow all you preps be warned by this You 1 girl—drop her. For if you spark with her too much You m become a \ OP [in what I - —you'llcu er. • the If you become a pji