Caption: Sophograph - 1892 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

• 'TIT KALE S T I ' F w hen he chased the flying foot ball O'er the Muskaday, the meadow Or when he with might} prowess I'araU ed the giant Otto l lie greal Iant, otto Fri ;ly And then took his books and faded Down the wide deserted stairway Softly whistling Yankee Doodle A lu N od he at tire council Looking sullen and defianl trode forth in the moon light The great captain, Freddie Deyon Representing Captain Standisn And as motionless and silent A in class, when Mrs. Ilenwood Asks him to recite his lesson But hi ive look and his challenge Failed to move the gallant captain H.OW said he you dusky devil Take \ oil T H I S unto your people \ n d he filled with lead and powder The old stocking of the warrior Which before was filled with a r r o w s \. > v 't you to your kindred To your brethren of the forests \ n d liiu r not or tarry )n the pathway to your people 'ly as quickly through the forrest A s if Dover the fierce watch dog Followed quickly in your footsteps In the darkness down the railroad I Uussel seized the -locking Then Mil< Standish took his broach 1 hi breast plate made Of tin foil \ml departed from the chamber Like tin ;h< I o\' a Giraffe »edh< yiftly through the wood Ian \nd the )• to! which last summer • i ill thicl skill! of the druggist < \ nd lu the tail of Russell i in :h the underwood of briar i in \[den and Prisdlla I i inal 1 -lies in hi tbsence 1 »hn A Iden whispered to her ,ii ed to me one e> aim: \ I'. \ . that a fellow maiden \ iu [or him \r\\ John l.r! Co tl ; i I hn I in hands of other .. >w\*\ woo her tl .nlei! ] matters nt n i in the M -ii 1 -I tl kl? h ul I to I l| 8 | I. hi «. y\ | V j 1