Caption: Sophograph - 1892 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Tm.; tPHOGKAfMI MILES : in .lAMi \N 3: . I i T'was in gloomj i >ruai On theg ai Lon Thai we held a celebrati Vt t h e l i i u l i SCl Ol N I \nd the I>. Cliis pla) d i e d t h e c o u r t s h i p of Mil d ' Showing how tin illan In Had no time to » a < urth N«»r to woo the lair Priscilla Fair t maiden in all the vil Out sent h"i8 clerk John A Iden Otherwise called A lden < Jalef To propo unto the maiden On hehal; if valiant Standish But the maiden answei I sweetlj That she liked to a fellow Who had some and about him Who would press hi lit in] n Who would speak oul forhin Who would quit toba< ihewin In devotion to his sweet heart Then John Aides marveled gi itly At the words of fair Pri ilh And he told it to Mildish Word for Word as he had heard it But the captain grew indign When he heard he I the mitten And he thundered rorth "John Aldei Your a villain, you've beta tl me Me and also Willie F lick < Who last wilder wooed Pr ill; With sleigh rid in tie moon i lit To the Lyceums in th >oun Tis but a yeai inee at tie ri\ That 1 shot John -Moon. th. Iru What prevents me now f m $h< Him who stole from me m\ Here you ve ol th Mr. Gouch wonl lei me l < Lesl perchance Pd liootl In an eidental manner \ nd i liis you owe \ out \ \ I (his point cane 11 Irani < [Setter known perhai lliai the ind i hi I numh.i (", (,w \ i , X N Tle-n the < A ud i rodi 'I :il .nd tin lefl John A nrw ard i th< i i HI til i m l i.i 11 (| e l in l h ' i 1 IM • d II 1 \ ] •ll \ h I i ! II II In