Caption: Sophograph - 1894 (Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I >IUAL. tlemen, and thai however high Ha-- *-\ n v run *•. one of them would wish to inflicl any real y either on a fellow-studenl or on a p feasor. In this c; a mistake occurred and h injury resulted. \\ therefore desire formally, in the name of tl us* f 94. press regrel thai through any r or in* the pa of anyone, whether he was or was a a mber of tl am. gu injury was inflicted. I / \ / i i l - ] \ tlif Freshmen hold their annual social, the other XI U ela*>«'* havcalwavuisidcrcd it (heir dufv <o do their ~ I make the even! a failure. One of the favorite n ms of annoyance resorted to is the introduction <>\' various miea - into the r >m, where the feasl is being held. This, we all know, is d<»nc in peri I g 1 nai a re. < Ontheoc -ion of the Freshman Social lasl fallal Decatur a ; pari. > f ir twenty i dents followed the merry crowd to that ifcy, and su< led in throwing a quantity of some bromine compound into the banqueting hall with the intention of causing merely a lit • temporary annoyance to the Freshmen. But il turned out. much to the regn of all, thai some mistake had been ma in the | iration the chemicals, and that thus permanent injury H We bel - t: udents of the [Iniver are ladies and gen- K desire to recommend t<j I he r n> 1 udents i hose firms h n • • - ! ; • S< OR \ PH.