Caption: Booklet - UI Growth and Enhancements (1895) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS AT TH UNIVERSITY. Theappi prlatlon of $424, no by the Legislature to ti f ii\ h rendered it possible to strengthen and develop the existii worl md h forward Into new fields. At the meeting of the Board of Trust In ( mn ment week. Improvements and additions to the equipment and roth instriu tional for* were determined on as Indicated herein. THE NEW LIBRARY BUILDING. Include I by the legislature among the appropriations for specific object is one of J150,000.00 for the erection of a library building. This appropriation is available immediately and the committee on buildings and grounds is consider Ing plans for the early erection oi the building. The committee has offeree premiums amounting to $1,2 0.00 for competitive desig-ns. The building will 1 fire-proof, and archil- turally will be an adornment to the campus. Beg sthe appropriation for the new building the Legislature set aside the sum of ?:$,0 .00 a year for acc< -ions to the library. I ENGINEERING HALL AND EQUIPMENT. The magnificent new En ineering Hall, which was dedicated last Xovem\ :\ Is <till in pr 38 of internal equipment and the University appropriation Included » for the completion of the furnishings. Tbis, in addition to th o B unt already expended, will make the building one of the best equipped in jiit . The [uipmenl of the College of Engineering will be much enlarged luring tie year by tb< expenditure of St0,000.00 for additional apparatus and aj 'K REORGANIZATION OF THE SHOPS. In ( inection with the extrusion of of th i o)h (.1 Engineering will be tated b lb addition of a n.-w machinery haril ft I -hop nen one *toi -hop will be ereoted Hall and all the iron-working machinery the equipment for engineering, th< much Further Improved and facilihall and the reorganization o( the« In the neighborhood oJ Machinery in the latter b u i l d i n g w i l l be trnn>- | tO the I K Shop. The room On thO Second floor Of Machinery Hall, which vacant by tbl transfer, will be occupied by the maohinery no* i n , j H . | ihitcctural hop. The architectural wood shop will be discontinued, a ,1,1 lunent ami all tie wood working conn* d with the t n