Caption: Booklet - UI Growth and Enhancements (1895) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

u I r st u« nt- of avei or above the average vigor the regular work of the art'- - s ntiflc and complete means of increasing tin strength and si/j lien. lucating nerve and of gaining agility and grace. Health, gth, and nervous force, which are the fundamental aims of all gymnastic in >< >ls ire shown to be closely dependent upon an erect carriage h t met 1 -<•!" walking, breathing and talking, ease of movement .and power 1 x fly and i si. CHANGES IN ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT. \ ll fter students In Architectural Engineering will take tie same course . 1 ti LS the students of Mechanical Engineering, freshmen in hit ill have t h e option of taking dther shop practice or freehand H THE PI BLTC [NTERESTS. 'I I i : only anxious to extend every possible facility to its • i pi -note t he Interests of t In- people of the state in all possiiti thank any person who will offer practical suggest m;i\ render service to the common interests of the stat< r, wii ue and detailed information write I r catal< W. L. PIL1 SBURY, Regis! ra * I rbanu, Illinois.