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Caption: Booklet - UI Response to WWI (1917) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
by this peri. I. During the two years iding March 31, 191 918.87 was expended upon a new armoi floor 00 \o complete which it will require about SJ^>.< < mm < I ncidental expenses, military scholarships, for the Vrmoi nd otti r buildings to be used by the military an amounl about equal to the I Federal Grant ($600,000) to the University has n s] t 1 the State to build up the military department of its Unn rsity. RECENT PREPARATION. With the rise of the war-clour above the horizon in March 1917 other preparation was begun. A branch of the Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau was organized with Assistant Dean H. W. Miller of the College of Engineering serving as director or adjutant. On March 23, 1917, the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of President James set aside sufficient money to print the desired blanks, mail them to all students and alumni and make the nece ary permanent records. On March 24. fifteen thousand letters and information blanks were sent to the alumni and students of the University of Illinois. On the information blank which was to be checked by the alumnus and returned there were listed services under 102 general heads. A permanent record card was prepared and a special punch constructed to punch the card in a manner somewhat similar to the scheme used by the Census Bureau. To date approximately 4.500 replies have been received from the 15,000 students and alumni and all of th< e replies have been reduced to permanent record cards. By the punch card scheme it is now possible to go throi h all ( he record card- in five minute- or K 3 and find all oi the men qualifit for any given o upation. To date the Bureau ha- mswered calls for < lore than two hundred men. On June 6-9 it made up thre< tmbulance uni f thirty-six men each in response to the call from the War D< v rtn Th< men left for Allentown, Pennsylvania, on |une >7. wh( will remain for three months and will then to France. Calls in inswered evei da) for men 1 "I hie . ins) m w the I .n I >e] ni, . id ;o forth, Th Bui i u h a s a < ntraloffi< in the Munsey Uuildinjr in W a s ! ii D. ( I his "ii 1 under the direction \\ ill m \ 1 . lei 1, ith Mr. Jan, I Phillip first s< t a n r 11\ all he 1 :t who are ivoi inj? in thi office are doin 1 withoul |>n> Phesi \\\m 1 ri< wci ni from th vai >ua uni\ i I'h en fi m the I fnivci it) [ 11 in \ h 1 (ward \\ \k\\
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