Caption: Booklet - UI Response to WWI (1917) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
RESPONSE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TO THE CALL OF WAR How \\ 1 an i lividual or an institution c 1 n ond to an < rg :y .11 like that of war depends in gr t me sure upon the . prep >ns mac ARLV PR U TION Y THE UNIVERSITY. Ever - establishm .; in 1867 the iven y of Illinois has been one Lane rant Institutions that has endeavored to § instra 3n lilitary scien< tnd tactics 1 accordance with the letter of the Fede: 1 law I the s t of the founder-. In con- [uen of th: I lie > tentiy f II wed the military rtment 1 I 2 nvn by 1 16 » an org inization of considerabi TH 5T [SHMENT irolled by this time a t tal o m ] m two r ;> : 2279 - " ? °f infantry Ive companie :h>. a ill banery of ar '.lery. a - jnal company, an eng r comiiiy. a ho al company, two 1 aids, rum] I di or] id res ve band. In 1 : ; there was org nized among le tculty and i';:::ery which w - one c he six i e s of the I Regiment of the IK 01 - I Id Ar illery. Duri sumi of 191 • "V" • it several months juiriiu valuable ti ining exper on the Mexican bordc In 1916 there v - some reoi lization and ad of th N 1 I)< ense A. of Jui 3. Cei 1 Offii rs Trainii oq 0 1 I *r: three n< United > '. \ units R- in. in itumn i i(> tlu e w is ass W a r I tej nn t five c ssi i rs and >ned officers fr 1 the list 1 r d ioned I this nly one \: h II 1 though the d pn»[»er ti t i t 'nivei - had 1 n ui d by the Pi the I 'n upon t! I rs W a r I >c| Kxi litui tint the mil I l\ in d