Caption: Convocation - 1942 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
A /// M mac,( i ;//. ,! ;//v i M. Ivj, ; rhe I L, -e ll,,M l Mi ibli foi ulty and withoiil p | Si • . i \i< < > \\(\ ^ ret. ii tit positions throueh I ,Hed into the military and na\;d \ i, , t,j ,|, , ,,, || I( ( ,,, ntial i" th in tin pros< ution of the wai. The number oi j r\ ua inehnh , 1 for m i l i t a n MnbI*on> now on I \ \ 11 ,r pr :ts, in addition to 21 \\ ho ha\ c resigm d. The most n enl activities of the University in meeting tl \ ir lituati i b) using our resources are briefly summarized in the follow r raphS: • s ai m J T," 1. On P ' i mher 1". 1 M1. the President of the I 'ni\ a-rsit \ called a >i *>i students and staff over which Provost H a n i ( I f J I I. Appi ximately 9,000 persons attended and were given informa an< idvice in facing the war situation thrust upon the country. _\ \ ni \l War Emergency Committee headed by Provost Harno and • • I r . 1 1 1 1 V i .*onip |itiK ^ na innen of important standing committees was set up imme»nal peril unpr dented in the history of the I ' n i v c r s i t y . |v • 5 ly and c ordinate our r >ources and pro-rams for meeting a Oi the hh fin probl the new Central Committee has had to VKM11J qui n ol eclcrating the I ' n i v c r s i t y ' s p r o g r a m in ordei udents to proceed more rapidly to a degn This can he a< m- I rc curtailin vacation periods to some extent as is now don< in uni rsil -. ' hir own Colleges in Chicago have already been authored by th< Board of Trust to operate on a year round program, in ti reatly increased demands on the medical prof n. • Y; th I'niversity Statuti since this matter involves problems oi wihh 1 polie . the authori/ 1 agency to deal with it is the Seme I mm on Kdu itional policy. With the assistance of the C\utral I • im tin mate Committee on Kducational Policy has been workit; « alerated pn ram which involves keeping the doors oi the Uni- :i to students all J ar round with onl} short intermi ions. It Is • that th< S«-nat< < anmitt will announce the results «»f it Held n. I A. The niversit} S-nate acting on i m n n e n d a t i o n s from it^ i .m lir n Kd ,1 I Prof< >r I. ( ). Draftin. Acting Chairman. I i th I a I pi indust ries of war time i idations granting rt n cr for graduation oi students who |< th< i m military 01 naval services oi the I'nit I S I I 4. 'I i h : under rtain conditions. i .mill -n Student Allans, |. I. Doland, Chairma ncl ah put into opei at ion an extensh e p 1 ap| thirl an ul tic fen I ;tud< nt.s, and i • a rat n i now h ! r 1/ no :'p .i ud( i 11; ut 111« d i " limit th«-n »t ts int. w n in ! HI, the I I • ir • inish « n nttide11 w I ha »iculai 1,1 11 h 1 it, and Red * .t v I i by the 11 i it h i in pro> idm t' i \ il