Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1904 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I than n ular students, if tb a l a unh class tnu n Ister and file stud I Kvej •\[ pers i musl ii i pay a f of se^ n do! < oents for each study each s < 16, Students QOI em [h i In t be I lb e of L t taking law work, paj i f < ' ii\ doll ou full or fraction I. Studen enroll* I In th< < .lie of v may elect university studies for w\ ch t prepare i. wit bout addil lonal 17, Students who d ;ii to be absent from the I ii< versitj must apply for leave to tl D anofUnd< Iual in the ease c men. or the I > Women, n the case of women. An excuse for a is not in wiycasereli ve the student from i spons ilit forth w rk of his class during his abs nee, is. AH absent \s from class rcises are i daily. 10. No excuses are required or tak ifor absence 20. When the absences of an} member' fthefr -hi or sophomore classes aggr< ite one-ei hth f whole number of recitations In a course, exc in. cases of military and physical trainin such stud< are dropped from thai course. Juniors wh< i tb absent one-fifth of the total number of recitations in i course a r e d r o p p e d from t h e OOUrs . 21. Two committees, called the Committees on Attendance, shall be appointed annually by the ( oil A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , o\\(> for m e n , a n d o n e for worn* i secretaries of these committees shall be the D < CJndei raduates, and the i>ean of Women, or) rsub stitute, respectively, [nstrudtors shall report all sences daily on blanks furnished for t he purpOvS Th< absences of the men are reported tb the Deanol Under graduates, and those of women to the Dean ol Woinoi orherrepn ontative. No absence Is exous< I or omit