Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1904 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
12 M i TIN IN r.MVKH iv BlXILDIl ; , The buildings of the University air olo 6i in. Kceptinsras * 11 rwis provided. >1 58. No society or association may be org uno! ? the students of the Univ< dtywitlu I )>•• n: sion C the Council of Administration, and no change in the character of the regulations of such soc] oi association may be made without such i aission. 59. The Council reserv s tlie right to withdra its authorization from any society of students, if. in its judgment, the well-being of the University n uire mch action. 60. No meeting of s t u d e n t s ' s o c i e t i e s or ass, ion^ and no public meeting of students m a y b e held durin the hours devoted to the regular exercises of the university without the permission of the D an of Un graduates or the Dean of Women (for mt tings of women). 61. Meetings of societies occupying uni ersity room must close not later than 11 p, m. during Sc] ember October, March, April, May, and J u n e ; and not lat r than 10:30 p . m. during November, December, J a n u a r y and February. 62. All social gatherings connected with the i uversity, held in the university buildings, must terminate not later than 11:30 p. m., with the except ion of the annual senior ball, the junior promenade, military 1 and sophomore cotillion, whioh must close not later than :l a. m. 63. No public entertainment or exhibition may tx given by Students except by permission 0 f t h e ( aincil of Administration, After permission Is obtained the dates for such entertainments or exhibitions must in enters lattheofflce of the Dean of Undergraduate it