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Caption: Booklet - Our University (1919) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
u s increased t. it was pment budge P* simately r University? e ( untry are increased dHarvard ha 1 $15,000,00 us -v "Tech" d'-'-iinu'non uu.uuu; »n. o r , e i,: u e u and oth1 llk *™"rations which piatelyand st facilitie eh will get th hers and inns. If HarResearch Makes Wealth, Health and - the annual Happiness from $15,000,Great as is the University as a teaching oridition to what ganization, it is as great, or greater, as an a-, the Univeragei v of research. If the University did no ilinc needs an teaching at all. it would justify the approtpropriation priations made to it by the accomplishments than that in- o f i t s r e s e a r e h it"d so I department-. It is impossible to give a money value to the results of such work, but it is doubtless beyond the total P capita cash ippropriations of the University fi m the th University tii it w 1 dished. 1 Tl r it is Some of the important research contribu dm " i th lions which lia\ increased the wealth and air 1 1 -ml weli ( the State and nation are th ese 11 th (1 llar " vation and imp] ment of the fertility 1,1 x " J the iil; the improvement of live stork sa r I di i-i in th manufacture and methods ing I than of using reinforced concrete; the production paid six year of an iron alloy with magnetic property r • n out of men me h Th •i. I din ' ; the need of it ex ded the buildin tp [ty \ tually, a smaller amount of mom [has m spent for building and other pen jiont improvements at Champa • I rl and Chicago every year Eor se^ o sue in .ears. The University is today in crying need of a new Library, a new Agricultural plant, enlargement and improvement i th< engineering laboral ries and buildin a re search laboratory for the I >1 1 > Medf iicine. extension of the buildin.-- Eor PI rImaew Dentistry and Medicine, an Adminia Oration building, new and larg r ymnasiuma .for boys and girls, and the immediate comI l e t i o n o f t h e Transportation, Natural IIi> Jtorv. and Commerce building-. Lincoln Hall Armory. The sum of $10,000.00' aud ^ ould be wisely expended on buildings in th< next four years. At the present rate the University will never be put in proper shape. n or eight times more effective than is " ,(| n i I '* It, institution now nn new tion ''' r has and n in the I brfor*' in n in the transformation of electric -it of high voltage; th< discovery of n law of st nn expansion and the prodiK of a • am tabh more a urate than < % riy befoi published; th discovery ^\ new pr is for kin Illinois . which, yd " i tnmen ally applied, will, in the opin ,n l4 of >me, i Mih mow to tho Stat than nil tin PP ipriation th I Fuivorsit v will get in a hundred j rs.
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