Caption: Booklet - Our University (1919) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
spoi . The I fnivorsitj \u\ in ufTlcionl class room and laboratory pac in to lack of sufficient buildini bol h in Chicago and 1 'hampa n I rhana. R s /'< // work diminishi d. < Worh worth int timable sums to the Stal each Near, is retarded or abandoned. I m p o r t a n t in\ si mat ions in home economics, a n i m a l n u t r i t i o n , >il s u r \ chemistry, engineering and other lines have been abandoned. 6 Inadequate salaries. The income is not enough to pay adequate salari< throughout the University, or to hold permanently or to attract men and women of the highest class to teach our hoys and girls and conduct our investigations. Without claiming that the needs of the State University are paramount to those of other inter is of the State, but that they are equally entitled to consideration, for reasons fully realized by every thoughtful person, the facts cited above and elsewhere in this circular are presented in order that the citizens of the State may learn the critical condition in which their University now finds itself, and that they may satisfy themselves that the State has been receiving a goodly return on all the money invested in the inti tut ion. The officers of the University would fail in their duty if they did not present as fully t t 4 as t h e y could t h e c o n d i t i o n s u n d e r which t h e University is doing its work, and its needMore Than 8000 Students The total enrollment of 8,052 students this year, of whom 7,ott:{ are at Champaign Qrbana and the rest at the professional chools in Chicago, is an increase of 2,224 o\ r a n y p r e v i o u s y e a r . T h e r e a r e 50 cent, IIIDI • Charapaign-Urbana than per ever before in the history of the [Jniversih Therefore the authorities ai ailed upon to meet the n« a r y e x p e n s e s of c a r i n g \\)\' mOW t h a n 000 a d d i t i o n a l s t u d e n t s out of practically the tame incoim while at the am time alari< ami prices have n n and no a d d i t i o n h 1)0011 m a d e !.» the huildiim; 'piipim nf. S o n e of t he i ilt \\\\r dillloull i < /nay l>e b r i e f l y Hinted an follow