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Caption: Commencement - 1927 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
tion of African slavery." The Declaration of [n pcnd ence proclaimed the great principle of equality of men before God and the law. For that principle our War of Independence was fought. Yet those who proclaimed the principle and fought the war accepted the principle only partly in practice. . t The adoption of the Federal Constitution was in substance a declaration in favor of a United country. Yet that perfect union was not attained until long after the Civil War. Indeed, our national unity, such as it is, is of very recent origin and its completion is attributable, perhaps, partly to the foreign wars in which we have engaged. Thus we see that when a great people take action on important matters under the urge of political or moral principle and the struggle to accomplish their purpose is prolonged beyond expectation, producing weariness and disappointment, mental and moral depression usually results. The principle which animated them grows dim. The high proposals with which they set out fade away and attention becomes fixed on details. Yet. in time, the Drinforce and affect human first had been 1 possible. similar reflection may apply in the case of War. moral purpos on our part, carried to a successful conclusion so that conflicting interests were free again to develop, consequences evolved which seemed to contradict our high moral Duroose so that we either forgot it or felt that its mi In the light of history, however may we not now expect that the great principles which w< avowed in the beginning are being more firmly established and widely applied in consequence of our participation? We fought the war to "end war." War is not ended It is with us. It threatens on several hands. Petty minded •le think to end it by eliminatin militarv drill. Yet I believe the date is growing less fro efforts of people who think 6
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