Caption: Commencement - 1927 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
H£ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN ISSUED WEEKLY VOL. XXV NOVEMBER 1, 1927 Noi 9>U I Entered as second-class matter December I I , 1912, at the post office a t Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24. 1912- Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918.] T H E U N I T E D STATES AMONG T H E NATIONS AN ADDRESS Delivered at the FIFTY-SIXTH COMMENCEMENT of the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JUNE 15, 1927 HV DA\ ID KINLEY, PH.D., LL.D. PRI IDI \ i "i [HE UNIV1 RSI rv j'i I'.i f id I) 1 nil UNIVKKSI 1 \ 01 II I IN01 I 1 \NA