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Caption: Booklet - War Program at the UI (1942) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
rum OF T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I N O I S The University of Illinois has pledged itself to render every possible assistance in the winning of the war. The skill and knowledge of its highly competent staff, the resources of its extensive and wellequipped plant, and its channels of communication with citizens in every walk of life are at the disposal of the State and Federal Governments for whatever services it can furnish most effectively. But while intent on mobilizing itself for the war program, the University recognizes also that it must not lose sight of its obligation to provide the State and the Nation with a steady stream of educated men and women. In meeting this obligation colleges and universities of every type are vital centers in the Nation. T h e immediate demand is for the technical expert, but both the immediate and the continuing demand will be for men and women who know the facts and are able to meet the problems of their day with wisdom, strength, and courage. The University recognizes that for the supreme need of the present its greatest contribution must be in doing to the utmost limits of its capacity what it is best qualified to do—to promote scholarship, advance research, train experts, and educate men and women. It is aware of this responsibility, and it is also aware of a profound obligation to look beyond the perils of war to the perils of peace, for the problems of peace will be no less arduous than those of war. T h e men and women who will be called to recreate and rebuilt a new democratic order out of the bitter struggle of today need the best mental and physical equipment which can be given them. CENTRAL COORDINATING AGENCY A University W a r Committee, headed by Provost A. J. H a r n o and composed of the chairmen of important standing committees and certain directors of divisions, has the assignment of studying and coordinating University resources and programs for meeting the 151
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