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Caption: Commencement - 1937 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Jul large, ot course, th reputation i a dep He r a univcrsit) r upon the quality - he h >re, and the renown of its faculty, that , i staff. But the graduates who h red under th or b \ trained, ed ; : f nit \ the \ ,s .hle evidence to society of its com petenc< Vou and the men and women who have pre you, the re I of the alumni, both graduates and f rmer students, are in a very real sense the interpreters of this 1 nh ersity. Your careers, professional or otherhad, an measure ot how well our Universitv ideals and ohiectives can be translated into real objectives lift 5 a basis for a program of living. What the U the future dep h its on the regard aind esteem in small d Id by the citizens ot this great commone University of Illinois is to succeed and h 1 d for which it was founded, then you, the graduat the Class of 1937, must succeed. There is no ( ther alternative; your future and the future of this University are more closely related than you may realize. I am as h interested in the one as in the other. The) will m 1 Vcry largely, whatever we choose to make them. )e IPerhaps all that 1 have said 1 ed in these last te m •k, existence * ot educational or even the existence political, depends on tuc composite reputation: ana the intcr* ' of many individuals. In a Very real sense ich hich has been and v rsit) >' o Alma Ma \ trend eac ie oi you. l7r
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