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Caption: Commencement - 1937 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
you will accomplish little, and I trust 1 v. 1 never 1 lose ir. You may lack e erien e—\ > doesn't at the beginning of his career? Hutwitli ont lence and knowledge—call it the confidence of youth ii i like— ou are capable of meeting that handicap a ir has been met and overcomi by every succe fuJ man and oman. And so 1 hope your University exp rienc s added to your confidence in your ability tc et those problems of the individual and of society which lie ahead ou. You are about to change your tatus fr m stud nts to graduates. This change must not interfer with your attitude of mind toward learning and a [wring new knowledge. T h a t attitude must never change, or our college course will become little more than a haz) memory. But I have in mind another aspect c I this transition or change of status which is m< t significant :; to you and the University. The reputation o n irid:vidual and an institution is involved. F r be! rer or for ^ worse you chose to become identified with th CJni r' sity. As I said earlier in this talk, the motives which caused you to make that choice \ aried widely and the s * original motives may not be v e n cl ir \ ou tod a . Some of you came just to get a college di ree, so :e to »dl get a liberal education at the college U I, some to pre* < pare technically for a profession. Hut whatevei \va r\ that made you come, the degree you are about to .e will be valued through the years as the reputat . r the University of Illinois rises or fall And, ohv . \ . ^ the future of that reputation, the standing ot the I * versify itself, will depend in part, at hast, up. \ \,ui A$ individuals and as citizens. What you do from now n\ alumni will reflect directly on the reputation his institution.
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