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Caption: Commencement - 1937 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
your scj irate personal ca] | arison with others ot your . iti< md abilities, in comm , to pursue or engage in various mental disciplines. You have a ben r m of just how good or how poor ymi arc as a stud nt, at 1 pi ssibly as a scholar ill whatever fields of knowh ige \ ou may have been engaged. In addition to this valuable index of your probabl professional or vocational aptitude you should have learned a great deal about yourself as an individual. ]n the give and take of campus life, your personality as well as >ur mentality, has developed, and your character is much more nearly crystallized than you suspect. The kind of person you are this morning you [will probably continue to be; the pattern, at least, of [your personality is now pretty well established. How do you like it? Have you thought about it at all critically? You don't have to be an introvert to add up the score, and then decide whether you are satisfied or not. And if you are not, indeed if you know you should not be satisfied with the result, what are you going to do about it? I believe that personality, meaning both ph sical and social qualities as well as the moral qualities called character, can be developed along with mental capacin and intellectual ability. You will need to poss< S the best of all the e attributes well integrated if you are tc ucceed in the program of living which lies just ahead of •• ou. I stress the importance of personality, character, and intelh t ual ability because any one or even an\ t wo of these with ut the other is not i >ugh (of ultimate succ< s. Society has a right to expect a lot of you as uluates of the University Ol Illinois. That expectation applies *3)
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